Thursday, July 10, 2014


I've realized something in the ten yeas I've been a mom.  God uses those little ones to point out my own imperfections and challenges me to change in ways that the best sermon won't do.  See, my kids see me all the time and they pick up on my behavior and they emulate my behavior.  Suddenly they're doing things that drive me crazy and I want them to change.  I wonder where they ever picked up something like that and all of a sudden it hits me that it's from me!

Recently my son has been driving my crazy with his laziness.  Any time I would ask him to do something he would whine and complain and drag his feet.  It would take him two hours to do a ten minute job because he spent so much time trying to get out of it.  I learned quickly that he couldn't share chores with his older sister because that just meant that he would let her do all the work while he played.  I was getting on him all the time about how God wants us to be productive and doesn't like laziness.  I wondered where he had ever learned such a thing and then I took a good look at myself.

What did he see me do every day?  He saw me spend a lot of time on the computer.  While some of that was work related, often it's to check Facebook or play games.  He saw me reading or on my phone.  More importantly he saw the results of my misspent time.  He saw the piles of dishes and laundry, the layer of dust, the clutter everywhere.  Why did I expect more out of him than I expected from myself?

This was part of the reasoning behind my New Year's resolution to be better about cleaning my house.  I wanted to show my children that Mom knows how to work.   I want them to see me work hard, not to please my husband, my parents, my friends, my kids, but to please God.  I still have days where I give in to temptation and sit at my computer too much and don't get enough done, but I'm having more frequent days where I get a great deal done around the house.  My house still isn't immaculate and it probably will never be, but my laundry and dishes are not piled up very often and I make my bed every day (something that I have never done in my life).  The other chores get done much more often than before.  I still  have room for improvement, but I'm happy with the progress that God has worked in me so far.  And yes, it is through God's help that I've been able to do this.  Laziness was so deeply ingrained in me that I needed Him to nudge me forward.  Every time I feel that temptation to just let everything slide, I also feel a familiar nudge that reminds me that my kids are watching and I need to do it and do it cheerfully.

My son had a memory verse that I told him was a good one for him to learn especially.  Be careful of ever thinking or telling someone that a verse is perfect for them because often it's good for you, too.  As soon as I made the comment  I felt that old nudge.  It was like God said, "And what about you?  Don't you think this could be a good one for you to learn, too?"  And He was right.  The reason why it was so perfect for my son was because it was also perfect for me.  Here it is:  "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 (emphasis mine).  That's a good principal to remember as I trudge through the daily things that I don't enjoy doing and don't want to do.  I need to follow that command anyway just out of obedience, but it's doubly important for me to do it as a mom so that my kids can see a good example in me.  

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Yesterday evening my oldest daughter was at ballet and my husband was going to pick her up.  My son was playing at a neighbor's house and my youngest daughter was napping and when she woke up she was content playing quietly by herself.  Can I tell you just how amazing that time was?  I almost never have a house that quiet!  It was prime writing time and I took advantage of it.  I was so immersed in my writing that before I knew it my husband and daughter were home.  At first I thought they came home early, but I looked again and I had just lost track of time.  I got quite a bit done and it flowed so easily.  Those are the times when I really enjoy writing.

Looking at my progress, I'm about halfway done!  That is exciting!  My goal is to have the book done and ready to send to my editors by the end of July.  Now having said that, it's taken me six months to get the first half done so I'm not sure that will actually happen.  However, the first six months of the year were extremely busy and as I look at my July calendar there's very little going on this month.  It's possible, but I'm going to have to get to work.  I'll make sure that I post some updates periodically.  A little accountability never hurts.