All characters and events are purely fictitious. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
I've seen this in books before and I understand why it's there. If someone happens to have the same name or a similar name and it appears like the character could be based on them, people are all too willing to sue. Just look at the lady who wanted to sue Disney over the movie Frozen because she claimed it was her life story.
I've never put this in the front of my books. I've always kind of figured it was implied seeing as the book is a work of fiction and fiction by definition means it's not true, it's made up, it's all imaginary. So I was a little surprised when my dad jokingly asked if he was the model for Georgia's dad in Smell the Roses. If you haven't read that book, Georgia's dad is not a very nice person. Almost every scene I wrote with him in it, I was gritting my teeth, because I just couldn't stand him. It shocked me because I wondered if other people might think that he was based on my dad. My instinctive reaction was a firm, "NO!" My dad said, "Where did you get him?" I said, "Out of my imagination, Dad. He doesn't exist. He's a fictional character." My dad is the exact opposite of Georgia's dad. He was always very supportive, very loving. He never treated one of us better than the others. When we were in trouble, we knew it was because he loved us that he disciplined us. He wanted us to learn from our errors and grow from them.
My dad's question made me realize that maybe others out there wonder if my characters are based on my family or my friends. The answer is no. I've never had a certain person in mind when writing a character. I've said before that my characters seem to take on a life of their own. I don't think I could mold them into someone else even if I wanted to and I really don't want to. I love my characters the way they are, flaws and all.
The other question I've heard is whether the love interests are based on my husband. Or even worse, if they're my dream men, as if I settled when I married my husband and wish he was more than what he is. Just like all the rest of my characters, the men are not based on anyone. They are products of my overactive imagination. The truth is, I wouldn't trade Joel for any of these guys. When I write them I'm not thinking, "I wish Joel were more like this." Although sometimes when I write them I do think, "Thank You, Lord, that Joel isn't like this." As much as I've enjoyed writing Jeff, Mark and Travis, they each have their own flaws and issues and honestly I'm glad I only have to deal with their issues on paper.
So if you're ever reading through my books and think, "This sounds a lot like so and so. I wonder if she based this character on them." The answer is no. My characters are their own little entities.