You are amazing! There are so many simple things that you do that make me smile and I want to thank you for all of them!
1. You read my books. I don't care if you purchased it, borrowed it, or won it in a giveaway, an author is nothing without readers! Thank you for taking a chance on me.
2. You write reviews. Reviews make such a difference for an author. It makes me smile when I read what you thought about my books. Even a short review makes a big impact. Thank you for your honest feedback.
3. You tell others. People enjoy trying books that have been recommended by friends. That's worth more than paid advertising to me. Thank you for telling others about my books.
4. You follow me. I just recently reached the milestone of having 1,000 followers on Facebook and Instagram! I'm absolutely blown away by that! Thank you for following me on my journey.
5. You participate on my social media. This one seems strange, I know, but every time you comment on a post, enter a giveaway, like or share a post it increases my visibility to others. But more than that, I love interacting with you and when I see your name come up over and over again it makes me feel like I get to know you a little bit better every time. Thank you for participating!
I'm so blessed by all your kind words, your encouragement, and your thoughtfulness! You are wonderful and I just had to take a moment to thank you for all that you have done for me.
In case you missed it, I am doing a big giveaway right now to celebrate having 1,000 followers. If you are on Facebook, you can enter here: or if you're on Instagram you can enter here: And if you happen to be on both - go ahead and enter on both!
Thank you again and again for your support! I love you guys, and I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store in the future!