I get asked often if my books are based on real life. More accurately, I get asked if my books are my own love story written down. The short answer is no. My own story is precious to me because it's mine, but not something that I think others would find very interesting. My books are pure fiction.
Having said that, there are a few elements that I can very much relate to in my stories. In "Best Laid Plans", Kate and Jeff were high school sweethearts and my husband was my high school sweetheart. Now we've been married for over thirteen years. I do think that my own history made it so that I didn't feel like it was too far fetched to believe that Kate and Jeff could have been very strongly attached to each other even when they were teenagers. To be honest, it sort of runs in my family. My parents and grandparents were both high school sweethearts as well so I've seen that those high school relationships can become deep, lasting relationships.
Kate also has a peculiarity that I share. It's the tea drinking. I love the smell of coffee, but I can't stand the taste of it. However, I absolutely love to drink tea! I'm not quite as fastidious as she is about tea though. I don't always have loose leaf tea and I don't always use a cup and saucer, tea pots or sugar cubes. I do love it when I can take the time to enjoy all the pretty things that belong to tea, but they aren't necessary for me.
I also very much enjoy my food, just like Kate. I'm not as good as she is about balancing it, but I'm working on it. I absolutely love to sit down to a really good meal and both my husband and I love cooking so that means that I get to sit down to good meals often. There have been times when I am really enjoying my food and tell my husband that food should not make me as happy as it does. I figure that God created food to be enjoyed though, because even in Heaven we'll get to sit down to a feast!
Georgia from "Smell the Roses" and I don't share as much in common. There is one thing that we do share, besides being short and blonde, and that is our tendency to cram our calendars full. I really felt like God had me write Georgia's story to speak straight to my heart. I used to just say yes to almost anything that came along, but now I have to look at my calendar and really think about whether or not it's worth it. I've put myself in a near panic attack before by putting too much on myself, but I try hard not to make my life so crazy. Having three children definitely adds to my schedule - I have one who wants to do ballet, drama, choir, orchestra, you name it and another who wants to do sports. My third is still too young to want to do extra activities and I'm thankful for that right now, but I know the day is coming when she'll be asking to do something, too. I have to limit what my children do as well. I don't want our family to never see each other or spend time together because we're constantly running to this practice and that performance and this game. Sometimes the decisions are difficult, but I'd rather my kids focus on a few things that they truly love to do than to cram their lives full of activity for the sake of activity.
I guess the answer to the question is a bit more complicated than a yes or no. No, my books are not based on my own love life. Yes, there are elements of my characters or plots that have some basis in my own life. I suppose that most authors have some element of themselves in their books.
Best Laid Plans
Smell the Roses
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