Thursday, January 7, 2016

Facebook Page

I was able to get my Facebook page up and going, and I'm very happy with how it's been going. Facebook gave me a starting goal of getting fifty likes, and I achieved that the first day! Since then I've been trying to get to one hundred. I'm at ninety-three right now so I'm getting close!

I plan on using my page to make announcements and updates, communicate with readers, post my blog, and even do some giveaways. I really do like hearing from my readers - whether it's encouragement, criticism, praise, or just something fun. I've been posting each book from the KW Consulting series and asking some questions and it's been fun to see the few responses that I have gotten. If you see me ask a question on the page, please take a moment and answer it. I love seeing what you have to share.

If you think of a way that I can improve my page, please let me know that as well. This is still all new to me, and I'm learning. I know that I can learn a lot from listening to my readers. If you haven't liked my Facebook page yet, you can go to it by clicking here.

This will (hopefully) be my last update in a blog post. All updates from now on will be on my Facebook page. I have received some edits back, and I'm hoping to begin working on those tonight. I'm really hoping to have the first book of Holliday Hotel published by the middle of the month. Right  now I'm waiting on two of my editors to finish. When they finish and I've gone through their notes, I can published Resolution Room. I'm looking forward to finishing it up and getting it up on Kindle.

If you've already liked my page, please invite others on your friends list that you think will like it as well. Thank you for your support! It means a lot to me!

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