It's only day 3 of the new school year. Only 3 days in and the exhaustion and stress are already kicking in. I woke up this morning with my brain chanting, "The first week is the hardest. The first month is the longest."
And that is true. The first week is the hardest as we set the boundaries, get to know one another, figure out what fifth grade looks like. It's the hardest as I get used to waking up to an alarm every day once more. I'm a night owl and those mornings are tough!
August is the longest month because it is the only month without any holidays or breaks until May, and May always goes fast because you're trying to finish everything up before summer. Days stretch long without the anticipation of a long weekend or a break.
Add to all that an energetic class that requires a firm, but loving, hand, and you get emotional exhaustion on top of the physical exhaustion. My mind is constantly surveying the situation, constantly analyzing whether an issue needs addressed or if I can let it go, constantly re-running through the day to decide if I could have done something better. Those are thoughts that don't turn off when you step out of the school at night.
If it's only the third day and I feel this way, I'm going to have problems this year. I'm going to burn out, to possibly lash out. I can't continue in this pattern. What should I do?
First and foremost, pray! I started praying for this class before school even started. I always do, but in this case, I knew this was a more challenging class. I've known them since they were in kindergarten. They have been in my prayers for a long time. But I also need to pray for me. When I'm having trouble letting go of the day's events after work, I need to pray. When I don't know how to handle a situation, I need to pray. When I'm so unbelievably tired and stressed that I don't know how I'm going to get through the day, I need to pray. The Lord is where I will find peace, wisdom, and strength.
Second, I need to rely on my support. The school has many teachers who have had this class before and have some insights on what works well for them. The administration is supportive and a good place to brainstorm. There are countless teacher websites, books, and articles to help with ideas as well. It's not all on me!
Even though I'm feeling rough today, that doesn't mean this year is going to be a disaster. What it does mean is that I'm relying too much on myself and not enough on God. I will always struggle when I'm attempting to do things in my own strength. God loves me and loves my class. He longs for us to lean on Him. When I am weak, He is strong.