Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have so much to be thankful for. Since today is November 24th, I've decided that I'll do 24 things I'm thankful for this year - particularly with my writing.

I'm thankful for -

1. The support of family and friends. They keep me going!

2. Having a book in print!!!! This one is huge! I feel like a "real" author now. (By the way, it's available in print from Amazon now!)

3. Getting a marketing team. I signed with Merge Left Marketing and I'm so excited to see where they take me next.

4. The stories that God gives me to write. While I would never claim that the words I write are directly from God, I know that He guides and directs me as I write.

5. The likes I have on Facebook. I just started this journey this year, and I really appreciate the people who have liked my page.

6. Publishing 2 books this year. January was when Resolution Room was released (it's now in print - in case you missed #2). Just this week, I released Snowfall, my new Christmas novella.

7. Having the opportunity to meet other authors and learn from them. Authors are so great at being willing to share their own experience, and give advice to new authors. It's been wonderful to have those chances to connect with others.

8. Being part of American Christian Fiction Writers. I know that I haven't yet begun to tap into this wonderful resource. I tend to get busy and forget it's there or find the emails a nuisance. I'm hoping to get better at using it this next year.

9. and they wonderful covers they've given me through the years. With my new marketing team, I probably won't be using them anymore, but I've always loved working with them and their work has been beautiful!

10. Reviews. I'm very thankful that most of my reviews are positive, but any reviews are helpful. They're so important to people looking for a book to read so if you've written reviews for my books - thank you!

11. My editors. I can't afford professional editors so I'm very thankful for the people who have been willing to come alongside me and look over my book to try to catch as many errors as they can - Kim Larsen, Ashley Beaulieu, Meghan James, and Rachel Lyman.

12. Blogging. I know I'm not always as faithful as I'd like to be with this, but I enjoy having this space to write and share a little deeper.

13. Book series. I'm working on Holliday Hotel book 2 and I'm loving it. I feel like I get to go back and visit old friends.

14. The urge to write. If it's been too long between writing sessions, there's this strong urge to sit down and write. I need that motivation.

15. Incentives. My publisher has given me a few incentives during the publishing process, which apparently I need to get things accomplished.

16. God's guidance. There have been several times where I've been dealing with the business side of writing (not my strong suit) and I've felt God directing me.

17. Tea. I know it's funny, but I love sitting down at my computer with a cup of tea. It's something that indicates to my brain that it's time to slow down and focus so I feel ready to write when I have my tea with me.

18. My husband, Joel. He helps me make big decisions and oftentimes pushes me to the next level when I'd rather sit in my comfort zone. I wouldn't be where I am now without him.

19. My laptop. I couldn't write without it! And I love having the ability to take my writing with me.

20. Book sales. Although I love writing just for writing sake, it's nice to know that the hours I put into a book are worth something. Each sale makes me thank God and puts a smile on my face.

21. Typing classes in high school. It seemed so tedious at the time, but now I appreciate being able to type efficiently. (My kids are impressed when I can turn my attention to them and keep typing at the same time, too.)

22. Time. This is my friend and my enemy. When I get busy, my writing is one of the first things that gets moved to the back burner. It makes me appreciate when I do have time to write even more.

23. Self-imposed deadlines. I rarely meet my self-imposed deadlines, but I think I'd be even further behind if I didn't have them at all.

24. Readers. I'm very thankful for each of you who has taken time to read my books. I can't thank you enough! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! God Bless!

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