Thursday, November 17, 2016

Learning about Marketing

I've discussed before how miserable I am at marketing. I hate to talk up my works, I hate feeling like I'm bugging people, and I hate pushing for a sale. However, it's necessary. Without it, no one every hears about me. No one buys my books. And I may as well just write in a journal to pass around to my family instead of publishing my stories.

So here's what I've learned lately. Marketing is expensive. To pay professionals to do things for you is costly. I've stared at the numbers I've been given with a sinking feeling in my stomach. There's no way this is feasible - at least not for me. Thankfully, I have a friend who has a marketing company. He's agreed to meet with me and see what I can do on my own, what his company can help with me for a lot less, and help me figure out the best plan of action. I'm so grateful for this. I've learned that I can't do it on my own, so I'm looking forward to having assistance.

The other thing I've learned is the importance of you - my readers. Publishers look for at least 50 reviews on a book before they take it seriously. The most I have on any one book is 18. I need your help! If you've read my books, please, please, PLEASE take a few moments to go review them! I want you to be completely honest. I learn from the reviews as well. Negative comments help me improve as a writer.

Another way you can help is by sharing with your friends and family. The number one advertisement is word of mouth. Talk to people about the books you like. Go on and give suggestions to friends who you think would like my books. Your recommendation goes a long way!

I was on Amazon yesterday and just discovered that I think I can do give aways on Amazon now. So I'm going to be looking into that as well. I'm hoping to have my first give away set up on black Friday.

Hopefully all of these things will help me develop a skill that I sadly lack, but need. I really appreciate your help. You are the best marketing I can get.

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