Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Forced to Rest

At the beginning of November, I had a passing thought. I hadn't been sick since January. I'll admit that I felt pretty proud at that moment. Sickness and I don't have a great relationship. I'm the type of person that fills my calendar and is on the go most of the time. Sickness slows me down, and it's never a good time to be sick because there's always something going on. I'm too busy to take time off.

But sometimes there isn't really a choice, and I'm forced to rest. About a week after I had the thought of the last time that I had been sick, I got laryngitis. I felt fine, but I had no voice. As a teacher, that's a problem. So I took three days off to recover. They were the best sick days I've ever had, because I felt fine and had energy so I was still able to get things done, but I really couldn't teach. I still went in to work after school and graded papers since I had to go to pick up my daughter anyway. It wasn't so bad. I was sick, but felt pretty good and didn't get too far behind. 

About a week and a half later, I came home from school with a scratchy throat and a cough. I had felt fine that morning, but this virus came on quickly. By that evening I had a fever of 102, chills, and aches. Two more days off of work and a weekend of rest allowed me to recover. This illness was not as productive as the first since this time I felt terrible. Another forced rest at a busy time of year. 

With two illness under my belt, I was already regretting my thought at the beginning of November, and beginning to feel like I had jinxed myself. I'm not normally superstitious, but this might be an exception. 

During final week of school before Christmas break, I woke up at four in the morning with stomach pain. I didn't want to admit that I would need to call in yet again, but as the hours passed and the pain remained, I knew that I would not be able to teach that day either. My husband took the kids to school, and while he was gone I text to ask him if he would take me to the emergency room when he got back. Knowing that I'm not one to admit that I'm sick or need help, he dropped our daughter off early and came back to take me to the emergency center near our house. 

The emergency center was amazing! They got me into a room before I had done much more than put my name on the paperwork. The doctor saw me soon after and let me know what tests they were going to run. He hadn't been gone long before they got me for the CT scan. The results were back soon revealing that I had appendicitis. Another forced rest, and this time it was going to be longer than a couple of days.

By 3:15 pm, I was in the operating room. It was startling how quickly everything went, and it testified to how urgent my situation was. Doctors and nurses seemed surprised that I had only started feeling pain that morning, so I figure my appendix was in pretty rough shape. I was in enough pain by this point, that I was happy to be getting surgery.

It's now been two weeks since my surgery. I've found that I'm a very impatient patient. Since the surgery was laparoscopic, I had placed unrealistic expectations on my recovery. I expected to be sore for a couple days, and then be feeling almost back to normal. For a week and half I barely moved from my spot on the couch because it was the only place I felt comfortable. Sleeping was difficult because every position hurt. Finally, I turned a corner, and felt more tender than sore. I praise God for the timing of that, because the first day that I wasn't in a lot of pain was the day before Christmas Eve. This allowed me to attend our Christmas Eve service at church and go to all the family activities planned through Christmas weekend. 

It's not surprising that I often push myself too hard and end up feeling a little tender as a result, but the doctor was pleased with my progress yesterday. I'm still in stretchy pants because jeans are not comfortable, and I still have to take it easy or I'll regret it later. I still have another 2 weeks of lifting restrictions as well. 

This was not how I envisioned my November and December going. I didn't want to spend most of my Christmas break in pain on the couch. Still there have been some benefits to this forced rest. I've had some nice evenings of relaxation with my family. I've had some extra time to write. My husband has taken very good care of me, and it's been nice to be spoiled a little bit, nice to be cared for instead of caring for everyone else for a little while.

There's a saying that if we don't schedule time to rest, our bodies will choose a time to rest for us. I run my life too busy, too stressed, with too little sleep, and my body forced me to rest - again and again and again. I need to be better about making time to rest, choosing to say no, and taking care of me. 

I'm not one to make resolutions for the new year, but I do believe in being aware of where I need to change and grow. This is something I need to work on as I enter 2023. I need to plan more time of rest, get better sleep, and take better care of me. 

 Photo by Pixabay:

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Merry Christmas Readers Giveaway

 Merry Christmas Readers!

This Christmas I wanted to do something spectacular to show you how much I appreciate all your love and support throughout the year so I teamed up with Celebrate Lti to do a HUGE giveaway!

Here is your chance to win over 50 books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books for yourself in Celebrate Lit's Merry Christmas Readers Giveaway.

Click here to enter:

The event and giveaway is going on now through December 17

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Grumbling vs. Gratitude


My classroom rules are all Bible verses. I love this because my students can see that these aren't just things I've randomly come up with to make their time in school miserable or take away their fun. These are things that God wants us - all of us - to do in life. They're not just for the classroom, but for home, work, church, social events, everything. Each new class has a unique personality and they seem to have difficulty with a different class rule every year. This year's class has trouble with this rule: Do all things without grumbling or disputing, (Philippians 2:14)

It's so easy to grumble. "Do I have to do this?" "Why do we have to do so many problems?" "I hate math!" And it's not just my students. I can find myself grumbling as well. "Ugh. I do not want to go back to work tomorrow." "I have so many papers to grade!" "I hate dealing with these things." 

So what's the cure for grumbling? Gratitude. I started something with my class where whenever they grumble, I ask them to give me something they're thankful for. If they're upset because it's not a lab in science today, they might say something like, "Even though we're not doing a lab today, I'm thankful that we get the opportunity to do labs in science." It's amazing how quickly their attitude changes when they have to think of something they're thankful for in response to their grumbling. In fact, often they can come up with more than one, and their classmates start chiming in with more, too. Pretty soon they realize that they have a lot of blessings to be grateful for.

It's a practice that can help me, too. Even though I'm not looking forward to going to work tomorrow, I'm thankful I have a job. I'm thankful that I love my school and my co-workers. I'm thankful that my job helps to not only supply my family's needs, but some of our wants as well. Even though I have a lot of papers to grade, I'm thankful for the progress I see my students. I'm thankful for technology that makes it so that I don't have to average grades manually. Even though I hate dealing with difficult situations, I'm thankful God is with me. I'm thankful He guides me and gives me wisdom in how to respond. I'm thankful for an administration that is very supportive to teachers. My whole outlook changes when I take a moment to switch to an attitude of gratitude. 

I think that's why 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." We don't always know God's will for our lives, but here in the Bible we clearly see that God's will for us is to be a people who give thanks. It takes our focus off our difficulties and turns it to the One who is the giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17). 

There are seasons in life that this practice becomes even more difficult. I know that looking at my examples above one might think that it's easy to give thanks when your biggest problems are as insignificant as I described. But what about when a loved one has died, or a diagnosis has been given that you hoped you never have to face? What about when a marriage is crumbling or a wayward child is breaking your heart? Does it still work then?

Yes! I know this from experience. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 was my verse of the year one time. I resolved to come up with something I was thankful for every day of the year. That year God showed me the power of gratitude. My dad was in the hospital for a month with severe pancreatitis that almost killed him. In fact, he had medical personnel stopping by his room simply because they had seen his chart and couldn't believe that not only was he alive, but he wasn't even in a coma. At this same time, my grandpa was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Later that year, a woman that I had known from youth group gave birth to her first baby and a few days later slipped into a coma and died. Eventually both my father and grandfather ended up back in the hospital for more surgeries. It was year that I spent so much time in the hospital that I accidentally turned into the hospital parking lot out of habit one day. It was a difficult year, but I found that searching for things to be thankful for made the year easier to cope with. I was thankful that both my father and grandfather survived that year. I was thankful that my friend had wisely made arrangements for her baby. There were so many blessings that I could have easily missed because I was too focused on the problems. Gratitude doesn't change the situation, but it lifts our focus to the One who knows our situation intimately.

Life is hard. We never know when things will seem to be flipped upside down. Gratitude keeps us from wallowing in the problems, and instead lifts our attention to God.

“Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Sneak Peek at Harvest Hollow


I'm so excited to announce that my new book is now available! I wanted to share a little bit of it with you, so here is chapter one. Enjoy!

“I’m not going and that’s the end of the story!” Autumn couldn’t believe that her boss, and the person she considered a good friend, would even ask it of her.

On the screen of her laptop, Ally Breen tilted her head to the side. Video conferences were the only way she had seen her friend in over a year. Autumn had thought Ally understood, but apparently, she was like everyone else who thought it was time to get on with her life. As if that were a possibility!

“Autumn, it’s time.” Ally’s voice was low. Her light brown hair hung to her shoulders in waves and her eyes, the color of maple syrup, were framed by silver glasses. “I’m not telling you to move on.” Autumn snorted, but Ally continued. “But you haven’t left your house in over a year and it’s becoming a phobia.”

“So, send me to the grocery store! Don’t send me across the country!”

Ally’s eyes watered, and she looked away from the screen for a moment. As if gathering her composure, she leaned in. “This isn’t my decision, Autumn. I’ve given you as much time as I could. You have no idea how much I have fought for you, but Harmon is done. He hired you to be a travel blogger, not to sit at home. While we’ve appreciated your help working from home editing and brainstorming, Harmon says that if you’re not going to do what he’s paying you for, then he’ll find someone who will.”

Tearing up, Autumn looked over at the framed picture on her desk. The mountains in the background were covered in snow. In the foreground, a man with longish blond hair curling from under his red beanie had his arms around her. It seemed like a lifetime ago. “He didn’t hire me to be a travel blogger. He hired us, but there is no ‘us’ anymore.”

Ally leaned back in her chair. “Harmon sees your talent. Logan was not the only one with skills, you know. You have plenty of ability yourself.”

“I have no desire though. I don’t want to travel anymore.” Why couldn’t they all understand that her life had altered that day? She couldn’t be who she used to be.

“I understand, but unfortunately this is sort of an ultimatum. You either go visit Willow Creek for a month, writing a blog once a week with photographs attached, or you need to find another job. Harmon Bryant has been more than patient with you Autumn, but his patience has run out.” Ally leaned in again. “I know it won’t be easy, but this is a stay at a bed-and-breakfast in a small town in America. You’re not being asked to go backpacking across Europe alone.”

Autumn shook her head. It didn’t matter where they sent her, she wouldn’t go. “Then I guess I need to look for another job.”

She had never seen Ally look so sad and defeated. “I told Harmon that’s what you would say, but he was unflinching.” She sighed deeply. “Look, I don’t meet with him until the end of the week. Why don’t you consider it for that long, and then let me know? Everything is always scary at first.”

“I’m not going to change my mind.”

“Probably not.” This time Ally didn’t bother to try to hide the tear that slid down her cheek. “I guess I had hoped you would see that you still have a purpose, that you didn’t die with Logan for a reason.”

Another tear tracked down Ally’s cheek, and Autumn watched it in stunned silence. Ally was tough. She had never seen her cry.

Ally sat up straighter in her chair and wiped her cheek with such force that Autumn thought she was warning any other tears that might be ready to escape what would happen to them if they had the audacity to leave. “I don’t care what you say right now. I’m giving you until the end of the week. I’m begging you to talk to the people who love you most. If any of them tell you that you are handling this in a healthy way, then I will miss you, but I won’t say another word.”

“You don’t have to miss me. We’re friends. We’ll see each other outside of work.”

On the screen she saw her friend tip her head to the side and frown. “I haven’t seen you outside of a computer screen for a year and then it’s only been because you have to talk to me for work. Do you really think our friendship will survive if you leave Travel On?”

Autumn wanted to argue, but she couldn’t. In fact, the only people she had seen in person in the past year were delivery people, and her sister and brother who refused to let her completely disappear from their lives. She didn’t think Ally would count the delivery people in the list of ‘people who loved her most’ so it was only Gracelyn and Skylar, and she was fairly certain that neither of her siblings would agree that she was handling her grief in a healthy way. Both of them had tried to entice her out several times in the past year, but nothing had succeeded.

“I’ll think about it.” It was the most she could offer.

“That’s all I ask.” Ally’s mouth tightened for a moment, then she added, “You can do this, Autumn.” Then she ended the video call.

Her eyes went back to the picture on the desk. “Oh, Logan, why did you have to leave me?” It wasn’t the first time she had whispered the words. She had screamed those words, cursed God for taking her husband away from her, sobbed into her pillow until she fell asleep. Nothing dulled the ache. Nothing brought him back.

She stood up and tightened the drawstrings on her baggy plaid pajama pants and shuffled into the kitchen to get some dinner. Opening a can of soup, she poured it into a bowl and heated it in the microwave. Besides the humming of the appliance, there was nothing but silence. She hated it, and yet it enveloped her every day.

Other than editing other people’s blog posts and researching possible travel destinations for other bloggers at Travel On, her small apartment sat silent. She never turned on the television or listened to music. Books were her friends and her phone kept her as connected as she wanted to be.

At first her friends and family had respected her space. Then gradually they began to tell her it was time to rejoin the living, to stop grieving, as if that was possible. Friends eventually stopped trying. It was depressing spending time with her. She was well aware of it. They could only stand the darkness for so long, then they wrote her off and walked away.

Skylar and Gracelyn were different. Autumn couldn’t get rid of them if she wanted to. They came over unannounced and didn’t care what she wanted. Gracelyn would bring her new books and chatter until she thought her ears would go numb after being in silence for so long. Skylar always brought her favorite foods. He claimed she needed to take better care of herself.

Both of her siblings seemed sort of lost as well though. As the oldest, Autumn had protected them through school. Then their mom had left them when they were all still teenagers saying she needed to ‘find herself’ – whatever that meant. Autumn had taken over the responsibility of cooking and cleaning the house on top of her school work to help out her dad. Only six months after she had married Logan, her dad had died of a heart attack. Once again, it had been her that had held the family together.

But when Logan died, there was no one to hold her together. Try as they might, Skylar and Gracelyn had no clue as to what she needed. She didn’t even know what she needed.

Her phone pinged and she saw a text from Ally. Check out the b-and-b. It’s called Holliday Hotel. Super cute! She was about to toss the phone onto the counter and ignore the website link her friend had sent when it pinged again. You promised to think about it!

Autumn sighed. She clicked on the link and scrolled through the options. The rooms were each themed after a different holiday. While it could have been really cheesy, the decorations were well thought-out and beautiful. Nothing made her want to leave her tiny apartment though.

As she was about to close the link, something caught her eye. A room was called Harvest Hollow and it was supposed to be the Halloween themed room. It was strange that they hadn’t named it something that represented Halloween closer. She opened up the photos and scrolled through them. The room was decorated in various shades of oranges with pops of green and purple. Like the other rooms, it was decorated in a way that paid homage to the holiday without feeling like the room was done by a small child on a post-trick-or-treat sugar rush.

Her eye caught the room’s name again. Harvest Hollow. Her mind switched it. Autumn’s Hollow – a place to heal. The words repeated themselves through her mind again and again. It took her breath away for a moment. She hadn’t felt that still small voice in a long time. Was it possible that after she had turned her back on God, He still would speak to her?

“Is this where I should go, Lord?” It felt strange to pray. Since Logan’s death, she hadn’t prayed at all, except at the beginning when she begged for God to take her, too. When He hadn’t answered that prayer, she had stopped praying and wallowed in her grief.

Autumn’s Hollow – a place to heal.

She knew she needed to heal, but she wasn’t ready. The grief was familiar and if she decided it was time to move on, she was afraid that it would mean that she would start to forget Logan. It felt like a betrayal to move forward in life when he couldn’t.

It’s time.

She gasped at the words. They were so final and intense. It was time.

“I’m not ready. I can’t do it.”

Be strong and courageous. I am with you. I will not leave you.

Her eyes filled with tears. He should have left her. She hadn’t stayed faithful to Him. She didn’t deserve His love or compassion, but she supposed that was the point of grace. It was undeserved.

“I’ll go, but it won’t be easy.” She felt calm as she picked up the phone and sent a text to Ally.

I’ll do it. Please have them book Harvest Hollow for my stay.

The bookshelf near the computer was filled with notebooks. Most had already been filled in, but there were a few that were blank. She grabbed one of the blank ones. It had an orange cover, and made her smile as she remembered the orange palette the room had been decorated in. She opened it up and ran her hand along the first page. Blank pages were always so full of possibility. With a pen she began to write in her loopy letters a list of the things she needed to do before she left. Her hand only trembled a little as she realized that for the first time, she would be planning it all by herself.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She could do this, and she wasn’t by herself. Opening her eyes, she steadied her hand, and continued to write.

If you're interested in reading the rest of Autumn's story, you can find it here: Purchase Harvest Hollow

Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Darkness to Light


As a Christian, how do you feel about Halloween? That question kept nagging at me as I was writing the Holliday Hotel series. Would a Christian book centered around such a dark holiday go over well? There are strong feelings about it on both sides. As I thought about my character, Carol Holliday, though, the answer was clear. There was no way that Carol would overlook this holiday that has grown to be so popular.

I'll admit that it surprises me when people say that Halloween is their favorite holiday. To me it celebrates darkness, and the demonic realm. But the Bible says that the darkness is overcome by the Light of the World, so should Christians hide on that day?

Carol would never hide on Halloween. She would celebrate in a way that would bring light to the darkness, use it as an opportunity to share love to those who are hurting, and draw others to Christ. 

In Harvest Hollow, Autumn Black had been living in the shadow of grief for more than a year after the sudden death of her husband. When she is assigned to visit Holliday Hotel for her job, she is resistant, but found that it was just what she needed to begin to heal. God uses Carol to share some of her own painful experiences with death to shine light into Autumn's darkness.

This book was a struggle for me to write. I was dealing with my own depression and often didn't feel like writing or doing anything. When I did write, I felt like it was disjointed and difficult. I had no idea what it would end up being. But God used it to help me begin my own healing. As Autumn made her transition from darkness back to light, I began mine, too. 

Halloween might not be my favorite holiday, it may be full of darkness and horror, but for Christians this is the opportunity to shine our lights brighter than ever! God is not overcome by darkness on any day of the year. Christians stand in His victory every single day. His light shines through us and on the darkest day of the year, we can be seen the brightest.

Photo by Burak The Weekender:

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Back to School Multi-Author Giveaway


Hello Readers!

Summer is over and kids are back to school so it is the perfect time to do a special giveaway just for you!


Here is your chance to win 45 books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books for yourself in Celebrate Lit's Back to School Giveaway.


Click here to enter:


The event and giveaway is going on now through September 17.


Sunday, August 28, 2022


My pastor did a mini-series on how we are created for connection. The first two sermons were easy. Life is better connected to Jesus. Check! Life is better connected to the church. Check! Then came the last sermon. Life is better connected to one another. Hm. 

The past two years have created isolation in ways that we never could have predicted. Yet studies have shown that the people who come through trauma the best are those who have strong connections to others. It's no wonder that we have struggled collectively throughout this pandemic. 

For me personally, I've been struggling with some pretty severe depression for the past couple of years. Most of the people in my life probably never saw it, because I was pretty good at putting on my happy face around others. My husband and my children - yeah, they noticed. I couldn't keep up the front at home. You know what makes depression worse? Isolation. Trying to solve it on my own only plummeted me further into darkness.

Remember the story of Moses where as long as he held up the staff, the Israelites would win the battle, but if he brought his arms down, the tides turned against them? Moses wasn't physically capable of holding the staff up long enough for the battle to be won. Fortunately, he had two friends who were able to help. Aaron and Hur first placed a rock under him, and then they held up his arms for him. Because of their help, the Israelites were able to win the battle. 

Having the support of friends can help us through the battles we face. As I listened to this story being told by my pastor, he challenged us to think of friends that we had which would be our Aaron and Hur. I couldn't think of anyone. Not because I don't have people around me who would help whenever or however I needed it, but because I refuse to ask for help. Through the past few years, I could have reached out to any of several people who would have gladly prayed for me, guided me, counseled me, supported me, but instead I tried to keep my arms raised by myself. And I couldn't do it! I even pushed my husband aside and wouldn't allow him to help me. Why? I'm not entirely sure, but I think part of it at least is pride. I don't want to have to rely on others. I can do it myself. Fear is another factor, because if I become vulnerable with others, then they can hurt me. Past pain has shaped me with that one, but it doesn't justify my actions.

Even introverts like me need to be connected to others. The Bible is full of instructions to meet together, to bear one another's burdens, to come alongside those who need help. While I will gladly hold up others in any way I can, I refuse to accept that help for myself. I need to stop looking at the community I have around me as those who need my help, and instead also see them as people who can support me.

 Photo by Pixabay:

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Summer Book Lovers Giveaway


Summer Book Lover's Day is August 9 and we are taking a whole week to celebrate!

I want you to have a chance to win 40+ books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books yourself in Celebrate Lit's Summer Book Lovers Giveaway.

Click here to enter:

The event and giveaway is going on now through August 13.

Sunday, July 31, 2022


    I think almost nothing good about myself. It's true. When you tell me something good about myself, I will most likely smile, thank you, and my brain will immediately contradict what you just said. This has been going on for a couple of years now and has become very deep rooted. But I never noticed it. 

    This summer it hit me that these are all of the negative things I think about myself are lies of Satan intended to keep me from being who God wants me to be. I didn't realize how bad it was until my husband said that he needed to be better about finding all the wonderful things about me and telling them to me. Immediately, I told myself, "There's nothing wonderful about you!" I couldn't believe how deep those lies had gotten.

    Satan is the father of lies. He will use any tactic he can to interfere with God's plans for our lives. For some, he might puff them up with arrogance while others he drives into the ground with self-doubt. 

    On the other hand, God is the source of all truth. He's the only One that I should allow to run roots into my heart and mind. Only then will I get an accurate picture of who I am.

    God created me fearfully and wonderfully. I am exactly who He designed me to be. (Psalms 139:13-14)

    God is working on me, and He will keep working on me until I am completed. (Philippians 1:6)

    I have direct access to God and can approach Him with boldness where He will always give me grace. (Hebrews 4:16)

    The Lord is my helper, so I can be confident and not fear. (Hebrews 13:6)

    The Lord is always with me. (Joshua 1:9)

    God's power is made perfect in my weakness, therefore I shouldn't be ashamed of them, but rather allow God to show His power through them. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

    God will renew my strength and bear me up when I feel weary. (Isaiah 40:31)

    I am blessed when I trust in the Lord and place my confidence in Him. (Jeremiah 17:7)

    I should not compare myself with others. (2 Corinthians 10:12)

    God places great value on me and knows everything about me. (Luke 12:7)

    Jesus bought me with His life. (1 Corinthians 6:20)

    God put a plan in place for my life. (Ephesians 2:10)

    My inner self is of great worth to God and is where true beauty lies. (1 Peter 3:3-4)

    God's faithfulness is new every morning - no matter how badly I mess up. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

    Because of God's great love for me, He saved me by grace through faith. (Ephesians 2:4-9)

    Unfortunately, it's not as easy as flipping a switch. I know these things, but I need to really believe them, lean into God, allow Him to transform my thoughts and heal me. Lies can be so damaging, but truth overcomes lies.  

 Photo by Magda Ehlers:

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Christmas in July Giveaway


Hello Readers!

As summer heats up, what better way to cool off than to think of Christmas in July! To celebrate, I have partnered with Celebrate Lit Publicity to do a special giveaway just for you!

I want you to have a chance to win 40+ books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books yourself in Celebrate Lit's Christmas in July Giveaway.

Click here to enter:

The event and giveaway is going on now through July 23.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Ministry Dangers


    June is typically a busy month for me. For the past eight years, I've directed the Vacation Bible School at my church. June is the culmination of months of preparation. This year it was time for me to step down, and I've been doing a lot of contemplation about some of the dangers involved in ministry. Specifically, I've been thinking about two opposite problems: fear and pride.

    When I was first asked to direct VBS, my reaction was one of fear. I often call it my 'burning bush moment' because I responded very similarly to Moses. I knew God wanted to me to serve in this capacity, but I had every excuse in the book for why I was the wrong person for the job. I wasn't qualified. I had no idea how to do it. Someone else could do it better than me. There wasn't an excuse that I didn't use. Eventually, God gave me my sister to co-direct with me, much like He allowed Moses to take Aaron along with him.

    It didn't take long for me to realize a few things. First, God doesn't throw us into the deep end and stand back to see if we will sink or swim. Instead He is next to us the whole time, keeping us afloat. Second, because He is the one keeping us afloat, He gets the glory for it. Third, God uses these opportunities to grow us in ways that we would be missing out if we let fear reign. When I think of all the benefits I would have lost if I hadn't followed God's leading, I'm so thankful that He didn't let me get away with using my fear as an excuse to say no.

    As I realized how much I loved serving in this capacity, I recognized another danger in ministry - pride. I got comfortable in my role and fear no longer played a part, but pride could definitely become a problem. It would be easy to start to think that any successes were due to my leadership instead of God. I prayed often that the Lord would help me remain humble through the years, and that I would be willing to step back when it was time. I began to joke that God would have to pry my fingers out of VBS because I loved it so much. Joel, my husband, joked that I would be 80, and he'd have to tell me that I couldn't do VBS anymore because I broke my hip. My kids began thinking that this would be an inherited position and that someday they would also direct VBS. So it was a very real possibility that pride could hinder the ministry.

    A couple years ago, our church started another church, and Joel and I felt that God was calling us to serve there. It was pretty apparent that it was time for me to step down. I didn't feel the pain that I expected. Instead it felt right. God answered my prayers and allowed it to be an easy decision and a clear choice. 

    I've always said that if you begin to feel like you are absolutely essential to a ministry, you'd better check your motives, because no one is indispensable in the work of the Lord. God doesn't need our service. He allows us to serve for His honor and glory. When He's ready for us to move on, we need to be ready to move. VBS did not suffer one little bit without me, and that's exactly how it should be. In fact, some would argue that it was better without me, because after eight years, I might be set in my ways and be resistant to change. 

    Where are you right now? Is there a ministry that you know God is calling you to do, but you're afraid? Maybe like me, you don't feel qualified? Give your fears to God and see what amazing things He has in store for you. You won't regret it!

    Maybe you've been in ministry for a long time. Do you feel like the ministry where you're serving will fail if you leave? Or maybe you think they can't do without you? Confess your pride, and step out in faith that God will lead you and use you in other ways. If the ministry does fold, have faith that was God's intention as well. It's hard, but we are most effective when we submit to God's plans. (And if you're still struggling with this, take a moment and read 1 Corinthians 1:27. It really helps with perspective.)

    Don't let either fear or pride keep you from being where God wants you to be. Serve Him with gladness regardless of where He puts you.

Photo by cottonbro:

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Summer Kickoff Giveaway


Hello Readers!

Every June Celebrate Lit celebrates summer by doing a huge giveaway just for readers. I have partnered up with them for this amazing giveaway so I can have the opportunity to show my appreciation for you!

I want you to have a chance to win 40+ books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books yourself in Celebrate Lit's Summer Kick Off Giveaway.

Click here to enter:

The event and giveaway is going on now through June 18.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Time Flies


As soon as a new baby is born, the mother hears "It goes by so quickly! Cherish every moment." But it doesn't seem to go quickly in the middle of the sleepless nights, diaper changes, tantrums, and potty training. Those days can seem to stretch infinitely in front of you (especially potty training!)

My mom always had something different to tell me. She said that the early days go slowly, but once they go to school time fast-forwards. The pace of life picks up with sports, extracurricular activities, homework, and friends. Suddenly the calendar is full and your dashing off all over trying to keep pace.

And then....

18 years have passed.

When we brought Kyla home from the hospital, Joel voiced fears that we were going to mess up as parents. Well, not fear - certainty. We were new parents, fallible humans with sins and mistakes that effect those around us daily. How could we possibly be trusted to raise this little baby?

The key is we didn't raise her alone. First and foremost we have God by our sides and the Spirit's prompting. Second we had experienced parents around us to help us. Third we had the support of our church. With so many helpers by our side we were able to raise our baby into a lovely young woman.

Not that we didn't make mistakes. We absolutely did! As she hit high school we realized we had unintentionally instilled a strong perfectionism trait in her and we had to pull back so that she could feel like it was okay to fail at times and learn from mistakes as well as successes. 

To tell the truth, God blessed us with a daughter who's personality is so beautiful that we often get credit as parents for something that He gifted her with. She has such a strong feeling of compassion for others that she definitely didn't learn from me. She was always drawn to the outcasts at school which made her an outcast by association at times. As I watched her in a Christian school get ostracized for loving the unlovable, I became indignant. Here was a girl who was loving as Jesus loved and was pushed aside in a Christian school! It wasn't right! But it didn't bother her. She kept doing what she knew was right.

As she crossed the stage for graduation, I was so proud of my beautiful girl for her poise and confidence without arrogance. That's not an easy line to walk,  but she walks it well. When she was cast as Mary Poppins in the school musical, she was humbled by the opportunity, worked hard to get the role right, uplifted others, and generally was "practically perfect in every way". In fact, she was nominated for a musical theater award for her performance and all the other nominees signed her head shot saying how humble, sweet, and "practically perfect" she was.

I thought I'd be an emotional wreck at my daughter's graduation, but instead I was just incredibly proud and happy for her! She is so special,  and I am so glad that God showed mercy and grace in my parenting mistakes to grow her into the young lady she is today. 

Mamas - I know you hear it all the time, but time does fly. Before you know it the toys and mess will be gone. It doesn't seem like it now, but it will one day. I won't tell you to cherish every moment because that's not possible. Life is busy and messy, but enjoy the journey. Each stage of life is precious - even potty training.

They say time flies when you're having fun. My Kyla makes life fun with her sunny personality and love for others. It's no surprise that these 18 years flew by with her.

Kyla, I could not be more proud of you! You exhibit God's love and grace in your dealings with others. Time and again others have told me that God has something special for you, and it always gave me chills. I can't wait to see where God takes you next! I love you, sweet girl! Congratulations! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

A Garden of Books Giveaway


Hello Readers!

What's better than a garden of flowers? How about a garden of books!

I have partnered up with Celebrate Lit Publicity to do an amazing giveaway just for you for the opportunity to shower one winner with books!

I want you to have a chance to win 40+ books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books yourself in Celebrate Lit's A Garden of Books Giveaway.

Click here to enter:

The event and giveaway is going on now through May 14

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Hope of Easter

   The day before Easter, my family attended two memorial services. One was for a man at our church who was younger than me and left behind a wife and two young children. The second was for a man who I had served with at another church for several years. At first glance, it seemed strange to have these services on the day before the biggest celebration of the year for Christians. Yet the more I thought about it, the more perfect it seemed, because the resurrection is the reason for our hope even in death.

    Before I continue, I was to clarify the definition of hope. The world's definition of hope is wishful uncertainty. But the Christian Biblical definition of hope is a certain and joyful expectation. It is something that we know will happen, and we look forward to with anticipation.

    The resurrection is the reason for our hope for multiple reasons. First we know that death is not the end. "But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep" (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14) 'Fallen asleep' is the Biblical euphemism for death. We still grieve, we still mourn, but our grief is different from the world's, because we have hope. We know that when Jesus returns, those who have passed on before will come with Him. Death is not the end, and it is not an eternal separation.

    Secondly, we know where they are right now. "Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord." (2 Corinthians 5:8) Death is a separation of the spirit from the body. When believers are taken from their body, they are immediately in the presence of the Lord. How awesome! Both of these men are in the presence of God! We miss them, absolutely, but we have peace knowing that they are home.

    Finally, we know that Jesus's resurrection defeated death once and for all. "“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 15:55-57) Without Christ's resurrection, we are to be pitied, as Paul says, because everything we believe is worthless. If Jesus was just a man who died and is still in the tomb, then Christianity is nothing. But He didn't! He's alive! His resurrection defeated death and gives us victory, because we now have eternal life with Him.

    Feeling the pain of death so close to Easter helped me to appreciate the hope we have because of His resurrection. This is temporary. Joy and life are ours forever. 

“Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

Photo by Aaron Burden:

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

April Showers Bring May Books


Hello Readers!

April Showers bring May...Books! Right?! 

I have partnered up with Celebrate Lit Publicity to do an amazing giveaway just for you for the opportunity to shower one winner with books!

I want you to have a chance to win 40+ books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books yourself in Celebrate Lit's 3rd Annual April Showers Bring May Books Giveaway.

Click here to enter:

The event and giveaway is going on now through April 16

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Pursuing My Dream

    It's been about ten years since I self-published my first book. Being an author is full of ups and downs, encouragement and discouragement, pride and self-doubt. For the past few years, I'll admit that I've been content to continue in the path that I had been in. Hopefully, there is still improvement in my writing itself, but I haven't been pursuing traditional publishing. Until recently.

    I came across an opportunity. Love Inspired, the inspirational division of Harlequin Press, was looking for new authors. To be considered I simply needed to submit a query letter, a synopsis, and the first chapter of a book. If they were interested, they would request a full manuscript. If they liked that, I would be considered for publication. It was worth trying at least. I had nothing to lose. 

    A few weeks ago, I submitted the required elements. Yesterday I received the response. "We have read this with great interest and there’s lots to love in your writing. Despite this, . . . " And there is was. I'll admit that I tend to be a pessimist. If I have low expectations, then I won't be disappointed. So when I sent it in, I told myself that it wasn't going to happen. When I got the rejection, it amazed me that I was actually okay with it. 

    For one thing, I have the first chapter of what will be this year's Christmas novella written. Maybe they don't want it, but I know that it's going to be a good story, and nothing is preventing me from telling it. 

    Another reason is that I trust that God has a plan for me and my writing. For right now, publishing traditionally is not in His plans for me. Maybe someday it will, but for now, His answer is no. God can still use my work for His honor and glory. In some ways, I have more freedom in what I write because I self-publish. 

    I had hoped that they would at least want my full manuscript or that if they gave me a rejection, they would be specific with why they didn't chose it. Neither of those happened. Still I put my work out there for the first time in a long time. I know that rejection is part of being an author, and I feel like I was able to handle it well. 

    Being a writer is not easy. I'll admit that there are times that I want to quit. For now, I'll keep going and trust that God has a plan for me that is better than the plans I have in mind for myself. 

  Photo by Suzy Hazelwood:

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Hop Into Spring Giveaway

 Hello Readers!

Spring is coming! Flowers are blooming, the weather is warming, and it's a beautiful time to be outside. To honor you and the coming of spring, I have partnered up with Celebrate Lit Publicity to do an amazing giveaway just for you!

I want you to have a chance to win 45+ books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books yourself in Celebrate Lit's 3rd Annual Hop into Spring Giveaway.

Click here to enter:

The event and giveaway is going on now through March 19.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Missing Ingredients

 Divisive. That seems to be a key word in the past couple of years. Politics, masks, vaccines, policies, schooling, and countless other details of life are places where we can make our stand, have our voice heard, and prove our point. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. We need to be able to take a stand for right, to uplift the downtrodden, and to spread the gospel of Jesus. Yet when I see people taking a stand, there seems to be some missing ingredients.

We get so hung up on our opinions, on the facts and data, on being right, that we forget that there is a person on the other side of our argument. People fling hateful words around criticizing and condemning people who don't think exactly like them forgetting that their words hurt. It's easy on social media and the internet to be anonymous, to not have to see and confront the hurt our words have caused. 

The Bible is clear on how to handle these issues. "Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will." (2 Timothy 2:23-26) Kindness. Gentleness, Patience. Not easy, no, but as children of God we should be producing this fruit as evidence of the Holy Spirit. It is only through the Spirit that we can produce these traits especially when we are facing difficult times. There's a purpose to it though. Our main goal should not be to win the argument, to prove that we are right and they are wrong, but our goal should be that they will have a "knowledge of the truth" and "escape from the snare of the devil".

In 1 Corinthians 13 we see another missing ingredient. "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing." (1 Corinthians 13:1-3) Love. You can have tremendous spiritual gifts, amazing talents, but if it's done without love, it's worthless. After all, the two greatest commandments according to Jesus are to love God and love others. Are we loving those on the other side of our argument or do we hate them? Are our words filled with love, or are they meant to hurt and cause anger? 

If in this world filled with malice, spite, anger, and arrogance, we as Christians could lean into the Holy Spirit and exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control we would stand above the others as beacons of light - a city on a hill. Can you imagine what a difference it would make? What if instead of firing off verbal shots aimed to hurt, we treated those who disagreed with us with patience and kindness? What if instead of retaliating, we exhibited self-control? What if we were able to calmly explain our position with gentleness? What if in the midst of the chaos we had peace and joy? What if as others yelled hateful things at us, we showed them love beyond comprehension? We can't do it on our own. We need God's help, and then He would be glorified. Our goal in the middle of all the disagreements in this life should not be to win the argument. It should be to bring others to know Christ.

Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Photo by Monstera from Pexels

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

We Love Our Readers Giveaway


Hello Readers!

We are so thankful for all your love and support through the year!

To show you how much, I have partnered up with Celebrate Lit Publicity to do an amazing giveaway where you can win a spectacular prize of over 45 books or a $500 Amazon gift card to buy books you love to build up that TBR pile!

Be sure to enter Celebrate Lit's 4th Annual We Love Our Readers Giveaway going on now through February 19!

Enter here:

Monday, January 17, 2022

New Year, New Meh


Maybe the last couple of years have been too tough, or maybe last year ended on such a sour note that it already has effected the new year, but there wasn't a lot of joy for me heading into 2022. Usually the new year brings a certain amount of anticipation, hope that things will be better, or that things will fall into place. I experienced none of that with the changing of the calendar.

In fact, I probably entered this year with a healthy dose of skepticism, and whole lot of angst, and if I'm honest, in a state of depression. Nothing will change. It will only get worse. There is no hope. 

I didn't realize how hard the last couple of years had been on my mental health. After all, my family has been relatively healthy, our jobs were secure, we didn't have a lot of struggles that we witnessed around us, so who am I to complain? I'm blessed. How can I be stressed? Then I went to a trauma conference. They talked about how normally people experience stress daily and it's a little hill that quickly recedes. Someone who has experienced trauma has more of a spike when stress comes along and they are unable to recover easily, so they sit in this state of stress and depression until their body can regulate and go back to normal. As soon as I saw the graphic, I realized that I had been spiking over and over and over again the past two years. 

On top of that, the year ended in a way that absolutely plunged me into depression. My life will never be the same, and I don't know how to cope. While I'm the first person to say that there is no shame in seeking help, I'm the last person to admit that I need help. Instead I heap more guilt on myself. You're so blessed! How could you be so ungrateful? You should be able to fix this! What's wrong with you? If that weren't enough, I don't even know how to go about finding help. And that makes me even more depressed and more stressed because I have no idea where to even start and for goodness sake why can't I even do that right?

So, how did 2022 start? My classroom added a new student and it completely shifted the dynamic of my already chaotic class. On top of that, my husband started the year off sick for probably a week and a half to two weeks which left me frustrated (I'm a terrible nurse) and feeling very alone as we isolated to try to keep the rest of us well. And now, in spite of isolating, I'm sick, and back in isolation away from my entire family. My illness happened near my oldest child's 18th birthday so there's also a certain amount of guilt at 'ruining' what ought to have been a special event.  

And now you might be wondering why you're reading such a depressing post. Is there any light, any hope, any lesson to be learned in the middle of my mess? Of course there is.

I am slowly learning to ask for help. I am looking for counseling. I am working through some of the issues that hit so hard at the end of last year. In fact, it's no coincidence that my church's women's Bible study to start this year is Forgiving What You Can't Forget by Lysa Terkeurst. Yeah, God practically put neon lights around that one for me. 

I even have some goals for this year. I'm hoping to publish at least two more books this year - one more in the Holliday Hotel series and another Christmas novella. I heard of another publishing opportunity that I'm going to pursue. I don't know how that opportunity is going to go, but I'm praying. In my classroom, I am focusing on baby steps both academically and relationally. For my family, I am working on being a better wife and mother. I think I've let my moods challenge my relationship with my husband and children the last couple of years, and I want to repair what I can. 

Maybe I don't have a word for the year, a resolution, or a verse, but that doesn't mean I'll remain stagnant this year. God is working in me. He has me in a place where I need Him, a place where my weakness will demonstrate His strength. He is always faithful, always good, and He never, ever gives up on me. Everything I go through is an chance to grow, to become the masterpiece He sees when He looks at me.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Happy New Year Multi-Author Giveaway

 Happy New Year Readers!

We are so thankful for all your support

throughout the year!

To show you how much, I have partnered up with Celebrate Lit Publicity to do an amazing giveaway where you can win a spectacular prize of over 50+ books or a $500 Amazon gift card to buy books you love to build up that TBR pile!

Be sure to enter Celebrate Lit's 2nd Annual Happy New Year Readers Giveaway going on now through January 15!

Enter here: