Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Ministry Dangers


    June is typically a busy month for me. For the past eight years, I've directed the Vacation Bible School at my church. June is the culmination of months of preparation. This year it was time for me to step down, and I've been doing a lot of contemplation about some of the dangers involved in ministry. Specifically, I've been thinking about two opposite problems: fear and pride.

    When I was first asked to direct VBS, my reaction was one of fear. I often call it my 'burning bush moment' because I responded very similarly to Moses. I knew God wanted to me to serve in this capacity, but I had every excuse in the book for why I was the wrong person for the job. I wasn't qualified. I had no idea how to do it. Someone else could do it better than me. There wasn't an excuse that I didn't use. Eventually, God gave me my sister to co-direct with me, much like He allowed Moses to take Aaron along with him.

    It didn't take long for me to realize a few things. First, God doesn't throw us into the deep end and stand back to see if we will sink or swim. Instead He is next to us the whole time, keeping us afloat. Second, because He is the one keeping us afloat, He gets the glory for it. Third, God uses these opportunities to grow us in ways that we would be missing out if we let fear reign. When I think of all the benefits I would have lost if I hadn't followed God's leading, I'm so thankful that He didn't let me get away with using my fear as an excuse to say no.

    As I realized how much I loved serving in this capacity, I recognized another danger in ministry - pride. I got comfortable in my role and fear no longer played a part, but pride could definitely become a problem. It would be easy to start to think that any successes were due to my leadership instead of God. I prayed often that the Lord would help me remain humble through the years, and that I would be willing to step back when it was time. I began to joke that God would have to pry my fingers out of VBS because I loved it so much. Joel, my husband, joked that I would be 80, and he'd have to tell me that I couldn't do VBS anymore because I broke my hip. My kids began thinking that this would be an inherited position and that someday they would also direct VBS. So it was a very real possibility that pride could hinder the ministry.

    A couple years ago, our church started another church, and Joel and I felt that God was calling us to serve there. It was pretty apparent that it was time for me to step down. I didn't feel the pain that I expected. Instead it felt right. God answered my prayers and allowed it to be an easy decision and a clear choice. 

    I've always said that if you begin to feel like you are absolutely essential to a ministry, you'd better check your motives, because no one is indispensable in the work of the Lord. God doesn't need our service. He allows us to serve for His honor and glory. When He's ready for us to move on, we need to be ready to move. VBS did not suffer one little bit without me, and that's exactly how it should be. In fact, some would argue that it was better without me, because after eight years, I might be set in my ways and be resistant to change. 

    Where are you right now? Is there a ministry that you know God is calling you to do, but you're afraid? Maybe like me, you don't feel qualified? Give your fears to God and see what amazing things He has in store for you. You won't regret it!

    Maybe you've been in ministry for a long time. Do you feel like the ministry where you're serving will fail if you leave? Or maybe you think they can't do without you? Confess your pride, and step out in faith that God will lead you and use you in other ways. If the ministry does fold, have faith that was God's intention as well. It's hard, but we are most effective when we submit to God's plans. (And if you're still struggling with this, take a moment and read 1 Corinthians 1:27. It really helps with perspective.)

    Don't let either fear or pride keep you from being where God wants you to be. Serve Him with gladness regardless of where He puts you.

Photo by cottonbro:

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Summer Kickoff Giveaway


Hello Readers!

Every June Celebrate Lit celebrates summer by doing a huge giveaway just for readers. I have partnered up with them for this amazing giveaway so I can have the opportunity to show my appreciation for you!

I want you to have a chance to win 40+ books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books yourself in Celebrate Lit's Summer Kick Off Giveaway.

Click here to enter:

The event and giveaway is going on now through June 18.