Wednesday, November 26, 2014


As I sit here on the day before Thanksgiving, I'm thinking about all that I have to be thankful for.  My salvation, my family, my friends . . . the list goes on and on and on.  I have been so blessed, in good days and bad.  I'm so thankful for what God has so graciously given to me.  I'm well aware that I do not deserve His blessings, yet He still gives lavishly - out of His mercy and grace.  In return, I try to give Him all of me!  He deserves no less.

As I sit here on the day before Thanksgiving, I'm thinking about all of you and how thankful I am for each and every one of you!  You make my writing worthwhile.  You encourage me to continue.  You push me forward.  You help me improve.  You can make my day with kind words that make my spirit glow.  Thank you so very much!  I can't say thank you enough!

As I sit here on the day before Thanksgiving, I'm thinking about how I was able to finish, not just one book, but two!  Dress for Success has been available for a couple of months now and I so enjoyed learning more about Brooke.  Her story will be on sale for $0.99 starting Thanksgiving Day!  I guess it's my own version of black Friday.  I've also completed my Christmas novella and it is now available on as well.  It is called Christmas Angel and follows an heiress named Gloria Herald as she goes on her Christmas mission with the help of Ryan Remington who could stand to learn a little bit about generosity.  I hope that it helps get you in the Christmas spirit.  Both books can be found by clicking on the links below.

I hope that you are able to count many blessings this year!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Long Overdue Update

Again I've been letting my blog go unwritten.  Mostly because I had nothing to say.  I had finished editing my novella and sent it on to my editors and was waiting to hear back from them.  This week, I got all of their editing back so I can go through the manuscript and make the corrections I need to make.  I also have ordered my book cover and I am anxiously waiting to see the new cover art!  Since this book is not connected to the KW Consulting series, I'm really interested to see what they come up with for the cover.  The other books all had a similar look to tie them together, but this one will have a look all it's own.

I'm also excited about what my editors had to say.  My mom said, "I LOVED it!" and Ashley said, "Loved it!  Wonderful!  So heartwarming and touching!  Brought tears to my eyes a lot!"  Meghan said, "I loved it so much!  It totally got me in the Christmas mood!"

So now, I need to finish the editing, but I think it's safe to say that it should be available for purchase next week!  Just in time to really get in the Christmas spirit!