Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Yesterday evening my oldest daughter was at ballet and my husband was going to pick her up.  My son was playing at a neighbor's house and my youngest daughter was napping and when she woke up she was content playing quietly by herself.  Can I tell you just how amazing that time was?  I almost never have a house that quiet!  It was prime writing time and I took advantage of it.  I was so immersed in my writing that before I knew it my husband and daughter were home.  At first I thought they came home early, but I looked again and I had just lost track of time.  I got quite a bit done and it flowed so easily.  Those are the times when I really enjoy writing.

Looking at my progress, I'm about halfway done!  That is exciting!  My goal is to have the book done and ready to send to my editors by the end of July.  Now having said that, it's taken me six months to get the first half done so I'm not sure that will actually happen.  However, the first six months of the year were extremely busy and as I look at my July calendar there's very little going on this month.  It's possible, but I'm going to have to get to work.  I'll make sure that I post some updates periodically.  A little accountability never hurts.

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