Saturday, March 26, 2022

Pursuing My Dream

    It's been about ten years since I self-published my first book. Being an author is full of ups and downs, encouragement and discouragement, pride and self-doubt. For the past few years, I'll admit that I've been content to continue in the path that I had been in. Hopefully, there is still improvement in my writing itself, but I haven't been pursuing traditional publishing. Until recently.

    I came across an opportunity. Love Inspired, the inspirational division of Harlequin Press, was looking for new authors. To be considered I simply needed to submit a query letter, a synopsis, and the first chapter of a book. If they were interested, they would request a full manuscript. If they liked that, I would be considered for publication. It was worth trying at least. I had nothing to lose. 

    A few weeks ago, I submitted the required elements. Yesterday I received the response. "We have read this with great interest and there’s lots to love in your writing. Despite this, . . . " And there is was. I'll admit that I tend to be a pessimist. If I have low expectations, then I won't be disappointed. So when I sent it in, I told myself that it wasn't going to happen. When I got the rejection, it amazed me that I was actually okay with it. 

    For one thing, I have the first chapter of what will be this year's Christmas novella written. Maybe they don't want it, but I know that it's going to be a good story, and nothing is preventing me from telling it. 

    Another reason is that I trust that God has a plan for me and my writing. For right now, publishing traditionally is not in His plans for me. Maybe someday it will, but for now, His answer is no. God can still use my work for His honor and glory. In some ways, I have more freedom in what I write because I self-publish. 

    I had hoped that they would at least want my full manuscript or that if they gave me a rejection, they would be specific with why they didn't chose it. Neither of those happened. Still I put my work out there for the first time in a long time. I know that rejection is part of being an author, and I feel like I was able to handle it well. 

    Being a writer is not easy. I'll admit that there are times that I want to quit. For now, I'll keep going and trust that God has a plan for me that is better than the plans I have in mind for myself. 

  Photo by Suzy Hazelwood:

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