Monday, July 15, 2013

Back to Work

Now that vacations are over and our busy summer has slowed down, it's time for me to get back to work.  It's been a fun summer, although sometimes I felt like I was always on the run, but I'm excited to get back to writing.  My self-imposed deadline is looming, and I still have so much to do!  I need to finish writing the book before I go back to the beginning to do a quick read through to check for any blatantly obvious errors, correct any contradictions in the story line and add more details when needed.  After that, I send it to my team of editors to correct anything I missed and let me know how the story can be improved.  Finally I'll need to format everything for publishing and get my cover artwork done.  After that I can publish my second book!

Being a stay-at-home mom/housewife/author can make it difficult to find time to write.  It seems like it's ideal since "stay-at-home" would appear to imply that I am at home most of the time.  In actuality, I feel like I'm seldom home, but rather running the kids here and there and everywhere.  Right now I'm in the process of getting the kids ready to go back to school.  School time would be an excellent time to write - except that I still have a toddler at home.  She certainly keeps me busy!

When I am at home, I tend to need to do the "housewife" chores - laundry, dishes, cleaning, cooking, etc.  Although my kids can pitch in and help, the bulk of the responsibility still rests on me.  Have you ever heard the saying, "Cleaning the house with kids in it is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos"?  That's so true.  Even as they help, they also seem to find new things to drag out.  I'm not complaining really because I love my children and I appreciate that they are old enough now to help me out.  There are times when it would be nice if the house could magically stay clean so that I could slip in some writing while we are at home.

Even though my "author" job is the only one that brings in any income, it's certainly not my most important job.  My family has to come first.  God really blessed us to allow me to stay home with my children and I take that responsibility very seriously.  Writing has been an added bonus on top of what He's already given me.  He's allowed me an opportunity to do something I love to do while staying home with my children and bring in a little extra income for my family as well.  I'm very blessed!

If you'd like to check out my first book, you can click the link below.Best Laid Plans by Courtney Lyman

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