Monday, August 31, 2015

The Missing Verse

In my excitement and hurry to get Always a Bridesmaid published, I forgot something. I forgot to put in the Bible verse in the front matter of the book. I always include a verse, something that I feel goes along with the story somehow, but when I was building the front matter for this book, I missed it. The funny thing was that I had a verse all picked out, I just somehow missed putting it in. Since I realized that I had forgotten it, I was able to update the manuscript and get it up on Kindle so anyone who bought the book recently will find it included. If you bought the book the first day or two, here is the verse that is missing. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13:12)

Each book in the series has a different focus. Best Laid Plans was about how God has plans for our lives and sometimes they're not what we expected. Kate had planned to be with Jeff when she was in high school, but that wasn't the plan for her life. She developed a new plan, only to find out that God had different ideas once again. I know that sometimes it's hard to let go of the plans that I've arranged for my life and let God take control, but after He pries my fingers off my plan, I can usually see how it was better for me to go the way He wanted me to.

Smell the Roses was about slowing down from the busyness of life. I honestly still have trouble with this. My calendar is so packed full it's ridiculous, but we weren't created to be constantly on the go and eventually it catches up with us. God didn't rest on the seventh day after creation because He was worn out. He was giving us an example. Yes, work is good - even in the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam work to do - but rest is important, too. You can also see it in the commands that He gave to Israel. We need time to rest and recharge and it's not weakness to need to relax. It's necessary. Georgia had to learn that if you don't slow down on occasion, you're heading for problems.

Dress for Success was about where true beauty lies. Brooke was beautiful on the outside, but it was her internal beauty that made her so attractive. There have certainly been people I've known who I thought were so good looking, but then I got to know them and they were arrogant, rude, mean-spirited, selfish and suddenly I realized that they weren't as good looking as I had thought. Then I've known others who I thought were only average looking, nothing special, but I got to know them and they were so sweet, kind, wonderful, loyal, giving, that one day I looked at them and wondered why I ever thought they were average, because now I thought they were beautiful! Our internal beauty (or lack of it) eventually shows on the exterior.

Finally, Always a Bridesmaid focuses on waiting for God's timing. I don't know how many times I've heard, "I know I need to wait for God's timing, but . . . "  I've certainly said it myself on occasion. Waiting is so hard. For me, I think it's the fear that the answer might not be 'wait', but 'no' that makes it so hard. In this world of instant gratification, I think it's only getting harder to have to wait until the time is right. When that time comes, though, it's a wonderful, beautiful thing!

For the first time, I can post the links to all four books for the KW Consulting series! If you haven't read them all, just click on the link to purchase them through Amazon. 
Best Laid Plans (Book 1)
Smell the Roses (Book 2)
Dress for Success (Book 3)
Always a Bridesmaid (Book 4)

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