Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A Timely Bible Study

Sometimes it "just so happens" that you start a Bible study that seems to have been written specifically for you to help with the particular time of life you are in. Those are the moments that I stand amazed that God cares enough about me to orchestrate even such a small detail of my life. I took an Old Testament class in college (I always forget if it was in Ruth or Esther), but my teacher said that the phrasing in the Hebrew is like saying, "Now it just so happened that it just so happened . . ." meaning obviously that it didn't "just so happen", but had been arranged by God. Those instances where I can clearly see God arranging for things to happen just blow my mind.

In my church we have a large women's Bible study group that meets from September until November and then January until March or April. Then there are Bible studies offered during the summer, but they are usually much smaller groups since people are on vacation or busy with other ministries or some other reason. This year we finished in March and then in April they began to study Jonah by Priscilla Shirer. My sister asked me if I was going to do it and I decided to go ahead (although it sneaked up on me and I was not mentally prepared for the first week). I am so glad I decided to do this study. I didn't know how badly I needed it.

She starts off by talking about the "interrupted life" - those times where everything is going just fine, but then all of a sudden something happens and you now have something to handle that you didn't see coming. Jonah was a prophet to Israel and he was comfortable with his life there. Then God decides to send him to Ninevah.

My life was going just fine. Then my dad and my grandpa came down with health problems - severe health problems. I already talked about what happened to both of them in my last blog, so I won't restate it now, but it hit me out of nowhere. And the timing was certainly not what I would have picked. I'm getting ready for VBS. The kids have a million end of year activities. Life is too busy, too complicated already. Yet, here we are.

How do I deal with these interruptions? Do I run away? Pretend they aren't there? Trudge forward, but grumble to myself? Or do I lean on God and follow where He leads? Honestly, I always wish I could just tuck my head in my shell and wait for the storm to pass, but that's not practical. At times, I've outwardly obeyed, but inwardly I'm grumbling and complaining. And when I do go forward how often do I pull back against where God is leading, because of fear? Much too often, I'm afraid.

In the lesson I worked on yesterday, she talked about how in chapter 3 when Jonah is sent to Ninevah the second time, God didn't lay everything out in front of Jonah. He was told to go, and then wait for what God would tell him later. I so badly want to know everything before I step forward in obedience. It hit me that if I had known what we were going to be going through in this season of life, it would have been overwhelming. It would have been so discouraging to get all that information at once. Instead, God let us only know what was necessary at the time.

In my journey as a writer I can see where this happens, too. If I had known that after writing six books, I would still be unpublished (self-published), I'm not sure I would have even begun. Last month, I sold one book - one - the whole month! It can feel like I'm working hard, but going nowhere. Yet, I know that God has put these stories on my mind and the opportunity to pursue writing. It just doesn't happen in my time. To be honest, it may never look like what I picture it being. But God only gives me a little bit at a time and asks that I follow Him in faith that He has a plan for me.

Right now, that plan has included a new chapter. I joined the American Christian Fiction Writers. It's a group where published writers and unpublished writers come alongside one another to teach and encourage each other. I've joined an email loop of courses to learn more about writing and publishing. This month I'm learning about using Facebook, a course I desperately need. I'm looking forward to seeing where this leads me.

Another possible step that I've been discussing with my husband is publishing the KW Consulting series as an anthology in print! That would be huge! I have to admit, that step sort of scares me, but it might be an option now where it never was before.

God is guiding and directing, and though I only get to see small bits and pieces of the big picture, I'm excited to see where He is leading. I know that wherever He leads is where I'm supposed to be.

** An update for those of you who have been praying for my family, my dad is doing very well. He will have a CT scan sometime next week to see how things are looking internally. My grandpa had his surgery today and the cancer was contained to the kidney and they don't expect complications. Please pray for his recovery. We still don't know long term what we will be looking at.

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