Monday, September 9, 2013

A Special Day

Today is a special day.  It's my birthday!  Here's a family picture taken shortly after I was born.

Another reason today is a special day, it was one year ago today that I published "Best Laid Plans" and officially became an author!  It's been an amazing road and I've been so thankful for the response I've received.  It's been such an encouragement and has kept me writing.
Which brings me to another reason today is special.  Today I'm going to reveal the cover for book two!  Here it is!

Getting the cover is always so exciting!  I know the end is in sight and soon the book will be available! 

I have received notes back from one of my editors and have made the changes to the book.  It's always so nice to have someone else to catch mistakes for you.  I'm still waiting for the rest of the editing, but it's close.  I'm going to venture to say that before the end of September, "Smell the Roses" will be published!

Thank you so much for your support this past year!  Honestly, it has meant so much to me!


  1. Congratulations! Love the cover of the new book and curious as to how the title plays out in the character's lives!

    1. Thank you so much! I am very excited about book two! I'm anxious to see what others think about it as well!

  2. I discovered Best Laid Plans in June while checking out another and read it straight through, I loved Kate & Jeff's story but I also love Jeff's mum personality and loved the scenes that occurs in her kitchen :)

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate, not only that you read my book, but took the time to let me know how you liked it. :)
